Dental Wellness

At our practice, we believe that optimal dental health is fundamental to overall well-being. This page serves as a resource to empower you with the knowledge and techniques necessary to maintain a healthy and vibrant smile. From proper brushing and flossing techniques to advice on nutrition and oral hygiene habits, we’re committed to providing you with the tools you need to achieve and sustain excellent oral health.
Click on the sections below to discover tips and guidance on various aspects of dental wellness.
Tooth Brushing
Do you know the proper brushing technique?
One of the best ways to ensure healthy teeth and gums is with a good home care program. Proper brushing and flossing is the one way you can make sure you are doing what you can to protect your mouth. Proper brushing consists of about two minutes of concentrated brushing. A quick brush may make your mouth feel fresh, but will do very little to remove the plaque that normally develops during the course of the day. Be sure to cover all areas of the teeth, inside, outside, on the biting surfaces, and along the gum line as well. Since plaque is the substance responsible for tooth decay, a good brushing at least twice a day will help to prevent both. Because plaque forms every twelve hours brushing twice a day is very important in order to prevent the plaque from turning into an even more irritating substance known as calculus (tartar). Once calculus (tatar) has formed on the teeth a dentist or hygienist can only remove it. A soft round bristled toothbrush is the best to use since it won’t scrub away the enamel on your teeth or irritate the gums. Gently massage your gums while brushing, this helps to clean them as well as increase circulation in the area which is helpful in the prevention of gum disease. A good home care program that consists of brushing and flossing upon rising, before going to bed, and after every meal, along with regular visits to Dr. Kinn for a check-up and cleaning will certainly help you in keeping your teeth and gums healthy.Flossing
What are the benefits of flossing?
One of the major causes of tooth loss today is due to periodontal disease or gum disease as it is commonly called. Gum disease is caused by tartar. Tartar is what plaque turns into when it is not removed. One of the most difficult areas from which to remove plaque is between the teeth. Because plaque turns into tartar literally overnight it is very important to floss daily in order to maintain healthy teeth and gums. Also, flossing aids in the prevention of cavities. A good time to floss is while watching TV. Once you get the hang of flossing, you don’t need a mirror to see what you are doing. When flossing be careful not to snap the floss up through the teeth as you can cut your gums that way. Use a gentle sawing motion to work the floss between the teeth, when you reach the gum line curve the floss against the wall of the tooth to remove the plaque. If your gums bleed initially do not be alarmed. If you have not been flossing regularly the gums need to be conditioned. Tenderness after flossing the first several times is normal as well. Warm salt-water rinses will help to relieve this tenderness. Bleeding and tender gums are an indication of gum disease, if these symptoms persist after one week of daily flossing, be sure to contact Dr. Kinn for proper treatment. Periodontal disease will not go away by itself and can cause serious problems in the mouth due to bone loss and the resulting loss of teeth. A good home care program along with routine dental visits will certainly do much to ensure a lifelong healthy smile.Tongue Brushing
Why Do I Need To Brush My Tongue?
The bacteria that cause gum disease, tooth decay, and gingivitis group together in bunches called colonies. Brushing will help break up these colonies making the chances of the above issues less of a threat. These bacteria don’t just cause dental health issues. They can also produce foul odors.
Your tongue has tissue on it called “papillae.” Papillae help detect taste, but they can also house these bacteria colonies. If you do not brush your tongue, these bacteria can release a foul odor, leaving you with bad breath.
Not only is it important to brush away the bacteria to keep your breath fresh, but it also removes the bacteria from your mouth so that it does not have a chance to attack your teeth and gums. Dr. Kinn may even recommend a tongue scraper to treat the bad breath.
- Tilt your toothbrush 45 degrees against the gum line and gently brush away from the gum line.
- Gently brush the inside, outside, and chewing areas of your teeth.
- Be sure to brush your tongue to help keep your breath fresh and remove bacteria.
Sensitive Teeth
Do you suffer from tooth sensitivities?
It is estimated that approximately half the population experiences tooth sensitivity.
The sensitivity you experience can come in many forms or situations. It may be mild and momentary, or extreme and last for hours. It can come and go over time. It can happen when you bite down on something, eat something sweet, drink something cold, or even when you drink something hot.
Why do your teeth react to hot, cold, sweet, sour, and sometimes even to pressure? What’s actually going on?
If you are having issues with sensitive teeth, it’s typically an indication of a dental problem that needs treatment. The type of treatment can vary depending on the cause, however, as there are many things that can cause sensitive teeth.
Common causes of sensitive teeth
Five of the most common causes of sensitive teeth are:
- DENTAL TRAUMA – A tooth can be sensitive to even slight pressure if it has been traumatized in any way, “bruised” or even cracked (by biting down on something). Sometimes even having your teeth cleaned or a filling done can cause sensitivity. Sensitivity to trauma can take weeks or even months to go away.
- UNEVEN BITE – If a tooth or teeth are hitting too soon or too hard because the teeth have shifted, and your bite has changed, it can cause sensitivity. These shifts can be due to things such as thumb sucking, loss of bone structure, a tooth being extracted and the other teeth shifting into the empty space, etc. Again a bite adjustment usually corrects the problem.
- TOOTH DECAY – The tooth often becomes sensitive to hot or cold, sweets, or acidic food if a tooth is decayed because bacteria have access to the nerve of the tooth. Removal of the decay and a filling is required to resolve this issue.
- DENTAL INFECTION – The sensitivity can be extreme if there is infection in the tooth. Treatment is needed to clear up the infection or it can not only lead to extreme pain, but serious health issues.
- DENTINAL SENSITIVITY – Exposed dentin is by far the most common cause of tooth sensitivity. This occurs when the dentin (the inner layer of a tooth) is exposed. People with a healthy, thick layer of enamel on their teeth don’t usually suffer from tooth sensitivity. The enamel can be eroded by various things, as the thickness of the enamel varies from person to person. Dentin is a sponge-like material containing small tubes that connect the root canal space pulp to the outside of the dentin. If the enamel on the tooth is compromised the dentin can be exposed, resulting in sensitivity.
Causes of dentinal sensitivity
As it’s the most common source of sensitive teeth, it may help to know some of the reasons why it may happen. These include, but are not limited to:
- OVER-BRUSHING OR AGGRESSIVE BRUSHING – If you brush too forcefully, with a side-to-side technique, or with too hard of a brush, the enamel may be thinned and the area around the gum line is most often affected.
- GUM RECESSION/GUM DISEASE – This can occur naturally over time, whereby the gums shrink back, exposing root dentin which is not protected by enamel.
- POOR ORAL HYGIENE – This can lead to cavities, and/or plaque and tartar build-up, resulting in gum recession.
- GRINDING – This may also cause “aching” teeth, due to constant pressure on them. Similar to erosion, regular teeth grinding (also called bruxism) can wear away the enamel by physically grinding it away.
- MEDICAL CONDITIONS – Bulimia and acid reflux (GERD) can cause acid to collect in the mouth and erode enamel, resulting in sensitive teeth.
- ACIDIC FOOD – Food with high acid content, such as citrus fruits, tomatoes, pickles, and tea, can cause enamel erosion with regular consumption.
- BAD HABITS – Using teeth as tools or chewing on objects (e.g., pens) can wear away tooth enamel as well.
Teeth can become sensitive for many different reasons ranging from trauma to dental disease. The first step in treating sensitive teeth is to determine the cause. If you suffer from sensitive teeth, getting in touch with our office to make an appointment is the first step in finding relief.
Bad Breath
How can you beat bad breath?
Nothing can defeat a first impression easier than bad breath. Most of the time, you don’t even know you have a problem until someone tells you making it even more embarrassing. Some people tend to think that using the right mouthwash will solve their troubles. But generally speaking, a mouthwash will only sweeten your breath for just a short time.
To properly deal with bad breath, it’s important to address the actual cause.
Common Causes of Bad Breath
Poor oral hygiene
In many cases, the real problem behind recurring bad breath is the presence of plaque on your teeth. The plaque contains bacteria, a key factor in bad breath. If you have a problem with your breath, you may not be doing the proper oral hygiene at home. At least twice a day, your teeth require a 2 1⁄2 to 3-minute brushing. flossing should be done as well to loosen the plaque between your teeth. If your gums bleed when you brush or floss, that could be a sign of gum disease. Gums that bleed are not normal. Regular dental examinations allow for the early detection of dental problems.
Dry mouth
Saliva is important for more reasons than you might think, one of which is that your mouth is more susceptible to plaque buildup if less saliva is present. As we’ve established, this building may result in an unpleasant smell.
If you deal with bad breath due to a lack of saliva, you can avoid the following circumstances:
- ALCOHOL – Beverages containing alcohol may promote a dry mouth and cause bad breath, so before you hop into bed and forget after a night of drinking, be sure to floss, no matter how tired you may seem to be.
- EARLY MORNING – You may be prone to bad breath in the morning because saliva stops flowing when you sleep. Mornings may be the best time for your daily dental flossing.
- BEING HUNGRY OR THIRSTY – Since there is not much saliva in your mouth when you are dehydrated, you’re prone to increased bacterial buildup and bad breath at these times. Make sure you drink plenty of fluids and are eating right. Chewing food also increases the saliva in your mouth, so if you’re skipping meals or dieting, you may develop bad breath. If you must restrict your food intake and eat infrequently, drink plenty of water to help maintain the level of saliva in your mouth to help prevent bad breath.
Causes of Chronic Bad Breath
Having good oral hygiene and a healthy diet are good ways to be sure you avoid bad breath. But, if you’re doing all of these things and are still having problems, there may be another cause, including some serious health conditions.
Some serious oral health conditions associated with bad breath to include:
- Throat problems such as strep throat
- Gum disease
- Dental Cavities
- Throat or oral cancer
- Tonsils that contain trapped food particles.
- A tooth that is infected
Bad breath can also be a symptom of a variety of serious non-oral health problems including:
- Liver disease
- Diabetes
- Digestive system ailments such as:
- Acid reflux
- Lung infections
- Lung disease
If you are struggling to find the reason for your bad breath, consult with Dr. Kinn.
Should I use mouthwash?
Brushing and flossing are the most crucial elements of a home oral hygiene routine and should be your main focus. There are some cases where a mouthwash/mouthrinse can be helpful, however, and mouthwash has the benefit of reaching areas that might be missed by a toothbrush.
Types of mouthwash
The best type of mouthwash for you will depend on your needs. You should be aware that there are two main types of mouthwash: therapeutic and cosmetic. The latter type may be used to control bad breath and leave a pleasant taste behind, but as they don’t kill bacteria, they offer no health benefits.
Therapeutic mouthwashes can be available over-the-counter or by prescription, and can be used to treat a number of different conditions.
Mouthwashes containing fluoride can be helpful for those who struggle with tooth decay, or who have braces and have a hard time reaching every part of their tooth with their toothbrush. Mouthwash does not prevent tooth decay by itself. A fluoride rinse, however, is a good addition to a thorough brushing and flossing routine. Plaque reacts with sugars and starches to form an acid, which breaks down the minerals in the enamel of the teeth, thereby causing a cavity. Mouthwashes with fluorides in them will work together with your saliva to help your teeth ward off cavities. Adding a fluoride rinse to a thorough brushing routine, along with the fluoride treatments our office can provide, will help to keep your teeth healthy.
Antibacterial mouthwash can help disrupt bacteria, and help those with chronic gingivitis, but shouldn’t be used as a substitute for brushing and flossing—the bacteria will begin to return within 20 minutes. (For disturbing bacteria in hard-to-reach areas when your toothbrush isn’t available, sugar-free chewing gum (such as those with sorbitol or xylitol) may be more effective.)
For those who suffer from dry mouth (xerostomia)—which can make teeth more prone to decay—some types of mouthrinse are specially formulated to help with this problem.
Some other conditions that different kinds of therapeutic mouthwash have been created for include:
- Plaque control
- Bad breath
- Dry socket
- Topical pain relief
- Teeth whitening
Is mouthwash right for you?
Before deciding to use a mouthwash, consult Dr. Kinn to see if one is recommended for your specific needs. An ADA-approved, over-the-counter mouthwash may be suggested, or in some cases, Dr. Kinn may suggest a prescription mouthrinse.
Whether to use the mouthwash before or after brushing, or if you should rinse with water between the two, can depend on the type of mouthwash; some can react to the chemicals in the toothpaste, making them less effective. Be sure to check before starting with a new mouthwash.
What is fluoride?
Fluoride is a nutrient, which our bodies need for growth and development. Fluoride helps to reduce dental decay. (When fluoride is taken internally during the time that the teeth are being formed, it is incorporated into the enamel of the teeth thereby helping to make the teeth less prone to decay).
Once teeth are formed in the mouth, however, fluoride taken internally no longer has any effects on the tooth structure. At this point fluoridated toothpaste and rinses will work with your saliva on the enamel of the teeth, helping to re-mineralize any enamel that has been broken down. Plaque and sugars work with each other to create an acid, which causes decay. This process of demineralization and remineralization happens on a daily basis. If your tooth enamel is not being restored faster than it is being depleted, your teeth can begin to decay. This is why fluoride is important to the health of your teeth. Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral that is resistant to acid. When tooth enamel is remineralized using fluoride, it not only restores strength to the enamel but helps protect it from future exposure to acid.
Fluoride is also effective in decreasing the sensitivity of teeth. A fluoride toothpaste or rinse can be used at home as a remedy for sensitive teeth. (If the sensitivity continues for more than two weeks, please call our office.)
Different Ways We Get Fluoride
We use and consume things every day that have small amounts of Fluoride, including water, certain foods, and toothpaste. Using fluoridated toothpaste together with limiting sugary foods will also help to prevent decay.
Fluoride treatments are also available from our office. These fluoride treatments are in a stronger form than are found in toothpaste can be directly applied to your teeth as a foam, gel, or varnish, and can be effective for teeth that are sensitive at the gum line. The fluoride treatment is typically left on the teeth for a short time and then any excess that has not been absorbed can be removed. You will most likely be instructed not to eat or drink anything for 30 minutes after the treatment, to make sure the fluoride is able to do its work.
Some adults who are struggling with tooth decay or root sensitivity can benefit from fluoride treatments, and they can be especially helpful for children. Children tend to need time to build good oral hygiene habits, so fluoride treatments can give their teeth a little extra protection as they learn to brush and floss properly.
Healthy Food for Teeth
Healthy food makes healthy teeth.
Foods both dental and nutritionally recommended are high in nutrients and low in sugar. In other words, you should try to eat the foods that will do the most for your teeth and body. For better dental health, stick to foods that are high in nutritional value. Whether these foods are chosen as part of a meal or an in-between meal snack, these types of foods will contribute greatly to your daily nutritional needs.
Eat properly and use the traffic light system with go, caution, and stop foods. Some of the go foods include milk, eggs, yogurt Melba toast, peanuts, and cheese. Milk acts as an acid inhibitor when combined with starches such as cereal and works against the potential acid production of the cereal. If milk is used to wash away sweets they will not have as harmful an effect. Certain cheeses such as cheddar are a good preventive food because of their sharpness, which increases salivary flow.
Foods That Prevent Cavities
Your food choices can prevent cavities.
Plaque, which is a sticky film that coats our teeth during the day, has thousands of bacteria, which interact with the foods we eat and cause cavities. By limiting the diet of certain types of foods which are the biggest causes of decay you can help to limit the number of cavities you may get. The bacteria in plaque feed on the sugars and starch we eat to form an acid, which breaks down the enamel of the teeth and forms cavities. Since dental healthy foods also contain sugars it is impossible to remove all sugar and starch from the diet. Sugars and starches should be eaten with a main meal, after which a thorough brushing will remove any leftover food particles. If a place to brush is not handy, rinse the mouth with water, this too will help to remove some of the sugars and food particles.
An important key to dental health is calcium. Children and teenagers need more calcium than adults to help in the formation of strong, healthy teeth and bones. Pregnant women also require extra calcium in order for their baby’s teeth and bones to form properly. Milk products are very high in calcium, as are spinach and canned salmon. Children are just as prone to cavities as adults are. It is not good to allow your child to nurse on a bottle with milk or fruit juice for extended periods of time because the sugars will decay the teeth. Keep snacking at a minimum and definitely clean your teeth afterwards. A good diet along with regular visits to the dentist will help to keep your teeth healthy.
Foods That Can Damage Teeth
Here are some foods and eating habits that may pose harm to your teeth.
- ICE – For cooling beverages, ice is fine, but you should not bite it as this can damage the enamel.
- HARD CANDIES – Much like ice, it can be dangerous to bite down on hard candy. They pose an additional problem, however: candies that take a long time to dissolve in the mouth result in a long period of exposure to sugar and the acid produced with it mixes with the bacteria of the mouth.
- GUMMY/STICKY/CHEWY FOODS – Foods like gummy bears and starbursts stay on your teeth much longer than ordinary foods. Due to these foods staying on your longer, you are more subject to tooth decay and other ailments to your oral health. It is important to clean your teeth after eating these types of food.
- CRUNCHY FOODS – Foods that are crunchy are usually full of starch. Starch has a tendency to get stuck in your teeth for long periods of time.
- FRUITS AND JUICES WITH CITRIC ACIDS – Repeated exposure to the acids from foods like fruit and fruit juices can erode your teeth over time.
- ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES – In excess, alcohol causes dehydration which leads to dry mouth. The presence of saliva in the mouth is important, as it helps to prevent cavities. Anything that leads to dry mouth can increase your risk of tooth decay. Caffeinated beverages, like coffee, can have this effect as well.
- DRINKS HIGH IN SUGAR – Drinks like colas and energy drinks tend to be extremely high in sugar. These sugars are used by bacteria that damage your tooth enamel.
- SPORTS DRINKS – While these are great to drink while exercising to keep you hydrated and full of electrolytes they can be dangerous to consume on a regular basis. Due to the high sugar concentration, they can be dangerous to your teeth and cause oral health problems like cavities and much more.
Foods that can stain teeth
The food you consume can have an impact on how your teeth look, in addition to your oral health. There are microscopic ridges on teeth where residue from certain foods can get caught, resulting in a stain or discoloration. Darkly pigmented beverages such as coffee, tea, and cola can have this effect, as well as fruit juices, popsicles, and even tomato sauce.
A good rule of thumb to consider is that if it would stain your carpet, it will likely stain your teeth as well.
What is plaque?
Plaque is a sticky, soft invisible film that forms on the surfaces of your teeth. The bacteria, which make up the plaque, react with sugars and starches in foods to produce an acid. It’s the acid that dissolves tooth enamel and begins the decaying process. After repeated acid attacks, and if plaque is not removed daily, the enamel eventually breaks down and decays – thus a cavity is formed.
The irritants in plaque also cause inflammation of the gums making them tender and prone to bleeding. This is the first stage of periodontal disease. If you don’t remove the soft plaque, it will mix with saliva and harden. Once this takes place, brushing will not take the film off your teeth and Dr. Kinn or your dental hygienist must remove the tartar. To keep plaque under control, brush, and floss at least twice a day. Remember that regular cleanings and exams with our office are a big part of the prevention process.
Tongue Piercing Concerns
What concerns are there regarding tongue piercing?
Tongue piercings are becoming more common. Like other forms of body piercing, it carries serious risks during the procedure itself. These include the risk of local or systemic infection. Local infection can occur because the mouth is hard to sterilize and many places that pierce tongues do not always maintain a sterile environment.
Systemic infection is always a possibility and includes the risk of hepatitis and AIDS. Rinsing with mouthwash may not take care of an infection if it is serious. It is important to remember that piercing establishments are not regulated by law nor are the operators licensed. The operator’s experience and competence can vary and are not guaranteed. Like other forms of body piercing, tongue piercing also can result in an allergy if the metals used are not of the highest quality.
Unlike other forms of piercing, tongue piercings also carry an increased risk of bleeding problems. The tongue has major blood vessels within it and many operators are not aware of this. The jewelry may also be swallowed if loosened and result in choking.
In addition, tongue piercing also poses the risk of damage to the surrounding teeth. The hard jewelry can chip and break the enamel or fillings of the teeth as one talks and eats. This damage can also result in the death of the tooth’s inner pulp if the trauma to the tooth is chronic. This tooth damage may result in the need for crowns to restore a smile or even a root canal to keep the tooth. These are important matters to consider before undergoing tongue piercing. If there is a problem after tongue piercing, it is important not only to contact the piercing establishment but your physician and dentist as needed. Your smile and your health are important in the long run!
Margaret J. Fehrenbach, RDH, MS Educational Consultant