Protecting Your Teeth This Summer Part 1

Keeping these tips in mind, you can have a summer free of dental health problems!

Brushing and Flossing
When you’re on vacation, it can be easy to skip a night of brushing or forgetting to floss, but keeping up with your dental hygiene routine is essential.

Healthy Foods
A lot of you probably have children that are old enough to stay at home during their summer break. Because of this, you want to make sure there are plenty of mouth-healthy snacks around for them to eat.

Schedule an Appointment With the Dentist
If you and your family are heading out on vacation, it is a good idea to schedule a visit to the dentist before leaving. You want to make sure any issues are addressed before going rather than having a dental emergency on your trip.

Practicing proper dental hygiene only takes a couple of minutes of your day. Don’t let a dental health issue get in the way of you enjoying your summer activities. If you would like to schedule an appointment with Dr. Kinn in Fostoria, OH, click here. We are always welcoming new patients.

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